Communication in Spain
While you are abroad it is important to find ways to stay in touch with family and friends. They will all be anxious to hear about your experiences, and you will want to know what is happening at home. A quick phone call or e-mail can make them feel much better.
It’s important to consider that being in touch as soon as you land might not be possible. So, don’t promise that you will call as soon as you land, because then when you don’t, they’ll panic. Instead, let them know you’ll get in touch with them as soon as you can after you get settled-in. Send a quick text or email when you can to ease their nerves, until you can make that call so they can hear your voice.
Some students have said that it is helpful to set up a communication plan with family and friends so everyone will know when you are available to make a call or receive a call. With time differences, inconsistent internet access, and the many excursions and activities you will be participating in, sometimes it can be difficult for you and your family to connect. Keep in mind that you are only abroad for a short time, so you will want to make the most of it and be present for every experience that you have.
Communication Apps
For short-term programs, we recommend that students connect to wifi (where available) and use smart phone communication apps to keep in touch with friends and family back home. The most popular app, widely used throughout Spain and in many parts of the world is Whatsapp. Facebook messenger, Facetime and Skype are also options. Skype allows for free calling from one Skype device to another or very inexpensive calling from Skype to a landline or mobile phone.
#CISabroadtip: Add $5 to your Skype account before going abroad to make calling phones back home easy right from the beginning.