Emergency Information and Resources in Paris
Emergency Resource Information, Paris
Remember – always involve your OPC and faculty leaders in the event of an emergency.
The 911 equivalent in Paris 112.
When you call 112, one of the most important pieces of information needed is your location or the location of the incident. In some cases, the Emergency Service may know your location but don’t presume this is the case. It is quite possible that the incident is different to the callers location and so due care needs to be taken by the Emergency Service.
Depending on which emergency service you request, some of the typical information you will be asked for is as follows:
- The exact address of the incident or emergency and/or any noticeable landmarks nearby
- Your name and telephone number
- Details on the incident itself, the number of persons involved, the description of any visible injuries and knowledge of any pre-existing medical conditions, is it still happening?
- How many people need help?
- Were there any weapons involved?
It is important to wait for the call-takers instructions, try and stay calm and don’t hang up until they tell you to.
All emergency numbers can be reached from pay phones, without the use of a phone card or money. It is also possible to call emergency numbers from a locked mobile phone (112 might work even when the message “no network available” is displayed).
Pharmacies/Chemist/Drug Store
Pharmacies are generally open from Monday to Saturday from 08:30 to 19:30. Many pharmacies close between 12:00 and 14:00, although in shopping centres and large towns, pharmacies will stay open non-stop.
At least one local pharmacy will be open on Sundays. Details of and schedule for this “duty pharmacy” (pharmacie de garde) can be found in every pharmacy window, in local newspapers or by contacting the local commissariat.
Emergency Words and Terminology
Please note: these phrases have been simplified for easy communication by a non-French speaker. They are not necessarily grammatically correct French.
For more information about SAMU in France (Service d’Aide Médicale d’Urgence) visit their English website.
The US Embassy in France provides Emergency services to Americans abroad, as well.
USA Embassy
2, avenue Gabriel
75008 Paris,
The numbers below (taken from their website) are provided for U.S. citizens who are distressed and require emergency services such as assistance with the death, arrest, illness, abduction in process, or injury of an American citizen.
- In France dial [then dial 9 (nine) when you hear the automated greeting].
- If you are calling from the U.S., please dial [then 9 (nine)].
Note: Time difference between Washington D.C. and Paris is + 6 hours.
Email: citizeninfo@state.gov with EMERGENCY + (brief description) in the subject line. Please note that this mailbox is monitored during working hours only. For after-hours emergency assistance, please contact the embassy’s switchboard at the number listed above.
Routine services such as passport renewals, reports of birth abroad, and notarials are not considered emergencies and are processed during regular business hours.