You’ve Completed Intern in Australia (Brisbane) Module 3!
You have now completed modules 1 through 3 of CISabroad’s Pre-departure Orientation!
We hope that these have been helpful, and that you’re now even more excited to get going on your adventure abroad! We know that we’ve covered a ton of information, so please come back to these modules as often as you’d like; the Table of Contents is listed below if you want to go back through Module 3. We’d like to remind you that you will learn a lot more about everything we’ve covered when you arrive to your destination.
Visa Information | Mail & Packages | Arrival Information |
Social Media | Your Onsite Staff | Global Insurance |
Studying abroad is a very personal experience, and we hope that you learn, grow, and share your experiences with us and your friends and family!
Approximately 1 month before you travel, your Program Coordinator will host a pre-departure webinar where you will learn more city-specific information about Brisbane city life & your accommodation.
In Module 4, we will be covering Re-Entry. We’ll give you tips on how to cope with reverse culture shock and how to use your experience abroad to better your future and to help others!