CISabroad Code of Conduct

Participant Code Of Conduct

While abroad, you are not only representing your home country, but CISabroad as well.  For this reason, we expect all participants to behave in a legal manner that is respectful of other people, customs, and property. As a student, you are responsible for researching and understanding issues that relate to your respective host country’s laws, as well as the safety, health, political, and cultural conditions of the host country. While enrolled in a CISabroad program it is expected that participants will abide by the CISabroad code of conductViolation of this code will be met with appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the program.

The CISabroad Site Director/On-Site Program Coordinator will determine the seriousness of the offense and issue the appropriate warning to the participant, and inform CISabroad of action taken. CISabroad will in turn pass the related information onto the Home University.

Read more about our Code of Conduct online: CISabroad Code of Conduct.