Expectations of the Intern: Things to DO
Use of professional language and behavior. Treat the internship as you would a job. You are expected to act in a professional way at all times.
Dress well. You don’t want to stand out for looking unprofessional. If you’re ever unsure of what to wear, err on the side of overdressing.
Be punctual! Arrive on time for work even if other colleagues arrive late. Get to meetings on time or early. Not only will you get the best seat, but it shows you care and helps you stand out. We also expect you to work the agreed upon number of hours at your internship.
Keep an open mind. You’re working in a new office, new country, and new culture so there are bound to be differences. Approach the experience with an open mind and you’ll do great!
Use site materials and resources appropriately. Your internship is a place of business and should be treated as such. Be respectful of the office and everything in it.
Be flexible. Help out with tasks that might not be part of your original job description. This not only makes you look good with your colleagues, but it also allows you to learn new things.
Communicate. It’s important to talk with your supervisor. This means letting them know if you are sick or cannot come to work. It’s also important to talk with your supervisor if something isn’t going well at the internship.
Show Initiative! Supervisors always want interns to show initiative and take on tasks. Interns often say they didn’t have enough work. An easy fix is to take on projects, even if you weren’t directly asked to do them. Ask other coworkers if you can help them too, they will love this!