CISabroad offers students a chance to participate in excursions and cultural events as part of our La Vida Local series. Sometimes these are events that we cover the cost of, some are free, and others are social gatherings in which students pay a small fee if they want to participate. Examples of La Vida Local events are: trips to museums or local markets, concerts, hiking, and much more.
Additionally, our Ghana program has a one-of-a-kind orientation, complete with the many highlights below, and the University of Cape Coast arranges for excursions and social events for international students for the semester. Most of these events are found and organized by your Site Director so look out for emails once you are onsite.
Likely orientation events:
-Visit to Flagstaff House and Ghana Parliament
-Kakum National Forest
-Visit to Kumasi for 2 days
-Batiking workshop
-Drumming/Dance workshop
-Visit to Cultural Arts Center and various markets