Woah – that was a lot of information we just shared, wasn’t it? Here’s a quick recap of the resource links covered about Health and Safety while abroad, and a few more!
Center for Disease Control
U.S. State Department Resources:
- Smart Traveller Enrollment Program
- US Students Abroad
- LGBTI Travel Information
- Locate your local Embassy
Mobility International USA Resources:
- Successful Study Abroad with a Mental Health Condition
- Preparing for travel with Mental Health Conditions
- Zach’s Gap Year Volunteering Worldwide
- Welcoming the Rain in Ireland
- 15 Ways to Feel Emotionally Ready
- Ups & Downs of International Travel
- Medications When Traveling Internationally
- The Role of Peer Support and Mental Health Abroad
Also check out: Her Story: Studying Abroad With A Mental Illness
Pathways to Safety International
Pathways to Safety International provides sexual assault prevention and response to American victims of sexual based gender violence in foreign countries, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or location worldwide. No matter where you are in the world, Pathways to Safety International can help.
Did you know that CISabroad is also a member the Diversity Abroad Network?
Diversity Abroad’s resources include:
- Racial & Ethnic Minority Students Abroad
- Economically Disadvantaged Students
- Heritage Seekers
- Student with Disabilities Abroad
- Women Abroad
- Religious Diversity Abroad
- Sexual Orientation Abroad
- First Generation Students
- Adult Students Abroad
As you continue through your pre-departure Modules, and again upon arrival in-country during an onsite orientation, you will continue to receive further health and safety information more specific to your program!