Indonesia’s numbers astound: 17,000 islands (or is it 20,000?), of which 8000 are inhabited (or is it 11,000?), 300 languages spoken (or is it 400?). Yet it’s all one country with myriad adventures.
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Remember how your parents used to tell you to keep your elbows off the table during meals? Or that it’s rude to slurp your soup? Well there’s good news guys, these American cultures and customs don’t always translate to other countries! While the local people you meet won’t expect you to be fluent in their language, culture and customs, it is important to familiarize yourself with them.
Do you know how kissing, snoring and other things sound in other languages? That’s right, even sound effects can be translated!
The most important thing to remember while you’re abroad is that things will be different. But, different doesn’t mean wrong. Be open, be curious, and read more about the culture you will be stepping into. Get excited about LIVING the life you’ve only dreamt and read about until now!
#CISabroadtip: Do some more research into the Indonesian customs you’ll experience while abroad.
People and Culture in Indonesia
Official name: Republic of Indonesia
Population: 252 million
Capital City: Jakarta
Religions: Muslim 88%, Protestant 5%, Roman Catholic 3%, Hindu 2%, Buddhist 1%, other 1%
Culture in Indonesia:
- Due to the diverse nature of Indonesian society there exists a strong pull towards the group, whether family, village or island.
- Respect is usually shown to those with status, power, position, and age.
- One should never ridicule, shout at or offend anyone. Imperfections should always be hidden and addresses privately. Similarly blame should never be aimed at any individual/group publicly.
Table Manners:
- Food is often taken from a shared dish in the middle. You will be served the food and it would not be considered rude if you helped yourself after that.
- In formal situations, men are served before women.
- Wait to be invited to eat before you start.
- A fork and spoon are often the only utensils at the place setting. Depending on the situation some people may use their hands.
- Eat or pass food with your right hand only.
Phrases to know before you go:
English | Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) |
Welcome | Selamat datang |
Hello | Hi / Apa kabar? Halo (on phone) |
How are you? I’m fine, thanks. And you? |
Apa kabar? (What news?) |
Baik-baik saja, terima kasih. Bagaimana dengan Anda? | |
Long time no see | Lama tidak bertemu / Lama tidak berjumpa |
What’s your name? My name is … |
Siapa nama anda? |
Nama saya … | |
Where are you from? I’m from … |
Anda berasal dari mana? |
Saya dari … | |
Pleased to meet you | Senang bertemu dengan Anda |
Good morning | Selamat pagi |
Good afternoon | Selamat siang |
Good evening | Selamat sore |
Good night | Selamat malam |
Goodbye | Selamat tinggal (you’re leaving) Selamat jalan (you’re staying) Sampai jumpa lagi |
Good luck | Semoga Beruntung! |
Cheers/Good health! | Santi! |
Have a nice day | Hari baik! |
Bon appetit | Selamat makan |
Bon voyage | Selamat jalan / Semoga selamat sampai tujuan |
I understand | Saya mengerti |
I don’t understand | Saya tidak mengerti |
Please speak more slowly | Tolong bicara pelan sedikit / Tolong bicara pelan-pelan |
Please write it down | Tolong ditulis / Tolong tuliskan |
Do you speak English? | Anda bisa bicara bahasa inggris? |
Do you speak Indonesian? Yes, a little |
Anda bisa bicara bahasa indonesia? |
Ya, sedikit | |
How do you say … in Indonesian? | Bagaimana cara mengatakan … dalam bahasa Indonesia? |
Excuse me | Maaf / Permisi (to get past) |
How much is this? | Berapa harganya? |
Sorry | Maafkan saya / Maaf |
Other Resources: