Ezra Spira-Cohen
When Ezra was a child he thought the best way to see the world would be to run away and join the circus. He learned how to juggle, but decided to stay home and study. As a student, Ezra has traveled extensively and he received a BA in International Studies from Trinity College and an MA in Sociology from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica in Rio de Janeiro. He has visited over twenty countries and is passionate about foreign languages, food, history, politics, arts, and people from around the world. Ezra has had many interesting jobs through his travels including tour guide, dance instructor, language teacher, translator, performer, DJ, interpreter, researcher, and bartender. He will take any opportunity to swim in the ocean, he loves cooking and listens to lots of jazz.
Ezra will travel with your group during your entire time in Brazil and will be there to support you in every way possible to ensure your program abroad is a safe, meaningful and positive one. He looks forward to meeting you soon!