Dear me…Letters to Self

Now you’re home and things might feel very different or they may feel strangely familiar


Give it a few weeks, or months, and write a letter to your self.  Remember what we said about lists?  Lists are great.
Here’s some inspiration for your letter writing and list building:


 letter GIF
1. The five things that have bothered me most about being home are:
2. The five things I have enjoyed most about being home are:
3. The five international things (people, places, situations, etc.) I miss the least
since I have returned home are:
4. The five things (people, places, activities, etc.) I miss most from abroad since I
have returned home are:
5. How might any of this apply to my future expectations about my life after
graduation and the significant changes I can probably expect as part of my
personal and professional life? How can I apply the skills and knowledge I
gained as part of study abroad in all the important areas of my life and future

Source:  SIT After Study Abroad: A toolkit for returning students