Do you need a visa to study in Peru?
For the January in Peru program, you WILL NOT need to obtain a visa. Please make sure you have a valid passport for your travels and check to ensure it will not expire any time soon.
All flights into Cusco go through Lima, which is where you will go through immigration. As the January in Peru program is only 3 weeks you won’t have a problem as all Peru visas are given for 30, 60, 90, or 180 days.
IMPORTANT: CISabroad will advise students on visa procedures for travel requirements for your CISabroad program only. CISabroad is not responsible for advising students on visa issues if they plan to travel internationally before or after the program dates.
These instructions are intended for US passport holders. International students must also be aware of additional documentation and/or processing time needed for their visas. Please contact your Program Coordinator to discuss your visa.