Daily Itinerary

Friday, June 19 – Copenhagen
2PM: Arrive at the Generator Copenhagen (Adelgade 5, 1304 København K, Denmark)
Afternoon: Introductions and bike rental pick up
6PM: Welcome dinner

Saturday, June 20 – Copenhagen
7:30AM: Bike Mike Tour
Afternoon: Lecture

Sunday, June 21 – Copenhagen
Day: Scavenger hunt
Evening: Picnic & debrief

Monday, June 22 – Copenhagen
Morning: Meetings with City Transportation Officials at CPH Municipal Islands Brygge
Afternoon: Bridge tour and ride
Evening: Dinner with Scan Design

Tuesday, June 23 – Copenhagen
9AM: Visit with Jan Gehl Architects
Afternoon: Student work time/free time
Evening: Summer solstice party

Wednesday, June 24 – Copenhagen
Morning: Lecture
1:30PM: Meeting with COBE-Nordhavn

Thursday, June 25 – Copenhagen
Morning: Depart Copenhagen for Malmo on the train
10AM: Tour of Western Harbour with Daniel Skog
1PM: Meeting with Parker Hakansson from the Malmo Streets and Parks department

Friday, June 26 – Copenhagen
Day: Day trip to Gladsaxe Kommune

Saturday, June 27 – Copenhagen
Day: Free time – optional activities to be suggested

Sunday, June 28 – Copenhagen
Day: Travel to Albertslund on train with bikes and ride back on the superhighway

Monday, June 29 – Copenhagen
Morning: Depart Copenhagen to Odense
10AM: Arrive in Odense and pick up bike rentals
10:45AM: Guided bike tour and presentation with Troels Anderson

Tuesday, June 30 – Copenhagen to Utrecht
Early morning: Take the metro to the airport
10AM: Travel from Copenhagen to Amsterdam (KLM June 30 – Copenhagen – Amsterdam 10:00 a.m. – 11:25 a.m.)
11:25AM: Arrive at Amsterdam airport and travel to Utrecht
1PM: Lock up luggage at hotel and then pick up bikes
Evening: Dinner with Ronald Tamse

Wednesday, July 1 – Utrecht
Day: Tours led by Ronald Tamse

Thursday, July 2 – Utrecht
Morning: Bike from Utrecht to Houten
9:30AM: Presentation and tour with Andre Botermans

Friday, July 3 – Utrecht to Amsterdam
Morning: Travel from Utrecht to Amsterdam
Afternoon: Pick up bikes and check into accommodations
Afternoon: Meetings with Meredith Glasser
8-10PM: Red Light District and Old Amsterdam Tour

Saturday, July 4 – Amsterdam
9AM: Meet the Fiestersbond for presentations and bicycle infrastructure tour of Amsterdam at the Fiestersbond office
Afternoon: Canal boat ride

Sunday, July 5 – Amsterdam
Morning: Free time in Amsterdam with optional rural ride

Monday, July 6 – Amsterdam
9-11AM: Amsterdam history, policy, culture lecture and discussion
1-4PM: Urban Development tour
Evening: Visit the Anne Frank House

Tuesday, July 7 – Amsterdam
Day: Wrap up exercises, lectures, discussions, etc

Wednesday, July 8 – Amsterdam
Day: Free time and final presentations
Evening: Farewell dinner

Thursday, July 9 – End of Program
Day: Check out of accommodations