Daily Itinerary

Get ready for fun and learning in Ho Chi Minh City!

Tentative Program Itinerary (subject to change- some activities may shift due to availability):

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day: Students arrive in country, greeted at airport by CISabroad staff and transferred to accommodations. Time to settle into hotel.

Meals: Welcome dinner
Transportation: Airport to accommodation (mini-buses, coach or taxi depending on student arrival times)

Week 1: A Brief History of the Vietnam War and Global Militarization of Women’s Lives

Monday June 29, 2015

9-11:30am: Orientation
11-1pm: Welcome lunch
Afternoon: Free time

Meals: Breakfast, lunch
Transportation: Accommodations to orientation and lunch (walking and public transportation)

Tuesday June 30, 2015

Morning: Class time

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class (walking)

Wednesday July 1, 2015

Morning: Class time
Afternoon: Time to study/free time

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class (walking)

Thursday July 2, 2015

Morning: Class time
Afternoon: Volunteer orientation at Peace Village for interested students (passport copies and resumes sent ahead of time)

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class (walking)

Friday July 3, 2015

Morning: Class time
Afternoon: Time to study/free time

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class (walking)

Saturday July 4, 2015

Day: City tour with local Vietnamese students
Evening: Suggested Saturday night evening excursion to night market with local Vietnamese students

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to night market on Saturday night (minibus or coach)

Sunday July 5, 2015

Free day

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Public transportation passes provided

Week 2: America’s Difficult War: The “Vietnam Syndrome” and Colonialism and Militarism in Asia and the Pacific Islands: Indigenous and Feminist Perspectives

Monday July 6, 2015

Morning: Class time
Afternoon: Time for studying

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class (walking)

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Volunteering at Tu Du Peace Village for interested students

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class and Peace Village (walking and public transportation)

Wednesday July 8, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Students will watch a film for class in the computer lab

Thursday July 9, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Volunteering at Tu Du Peace Village for interested students

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class and Peace Village (walking and public transportation)

Friday, July 10, 2015

Day: Day trip to the Cu Chi tunnels

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to visits (minibus or coach) 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Free day to explore, volunteer time for interested students

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: None

 Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day: Vietnamese Cooking Day! Alongside local Vietnamese students, learn how to cook some traditional Vietnamese food

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: None (cooking school is in the hotel kitchen)

Week 3: Hanoi’s War—The North Vietnamese and The Impacts of War on Vietnamese Women

Monday, July 13, 2015

Morning: Class time
Afternoon: Time for studying/reading

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class (minibus or coach)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Volunteering at Tu Du Peace Village for interested students

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class and Peace Village (walking and public transportation)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Morning: Class time
Afternoon: Time for studying

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class and Peace Village (walking and public transportation)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Volunteering at Tu Du Peace Village for interested students

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class and Peace Village (walking and public transportation)

Friday, July 17, 2015

Day: Excursion to Tu Du Peace Village to work with orphaned children who have been drastically impacted by the effects of Agent Orange. UCSD students will work with local Vietnamese students to organize activities for the children in the peace village

Meals: Breakfast, lunch
Transportation: Accommodations to visits (minibus or coach)

Saturday-Sunday, July 18-19, 2015

Mekong Delta tour (optional) or free weekend to explore

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: None. 

Week 4: The South and Vietnamese “Women Warriors”

Monday, July 20, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Students will watch a film for class

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class (minibus or coach)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Volunteering at Tu Du Peace Village for interested students

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class and Peace Village (walking and public transportation)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Morning: Class time
Afternoon: Time for studying

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class and Peace Village (walking and public transportation)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Volunteering at Tu Du Peace Village for interested students

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class and Peace Village (walking and public transportation)

Friday, July 24, 2015

Morning: Free time
Afternoon: Hồn Việt: The Soul of Vietnam Cultural Show

Meals: Breakfast, lunch

Transportation: Accommodations to visits (minibus or coach)

Saturday-Sunday, July 25-26, 2015

Free weekend to explore, volunteer time on Saturday for interested students

Meals: Breakfast

Transportation: Public transportation passes

Week 5: Vietnamese in the United States: The War That Never Ends and Women’s Lives in Postwar Vietnam and in the Diaspora

Monday, July 27 , 2015

Morning: Class time
Afternoon: Time for studying

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class (walking)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Volunteering at Tu Du Peace Village for interested students

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class and Peace Village (walking and public transportation)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Students will watch a film for class

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class and Peace Village (walking and public transportation)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Morning: Class time
2-4pm: Students will watch a film for class

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodations to class (walking)

Friday, July 31, 2015

Morning: Final exam
Evening:  Farewell dinner

Meals: Breakfast, dinner
Transportation: Accommodations to classroom and dinner (walking and public transportation)

 Saturday, August 1, 2015

Program ends, students transfer to the airport

Meals: Breakfast
Transportation: Accommodation to airport (car/taxi)

Note: “Volunteer time for interested students” refers to all students who have sent their resume and passport information ahead of time to commit to the additional volunteering opportunity: Alexis Buz, Cindy Bui, Jennifer Conlon, Diego Feliciano, Kate Pham, Lydia Luu, Maria Guemez and Wilson Deng (as of 5/11).