Semester in Lima Housing
We have a range of housing options on the Semester in Lima program. Some are homestay style while others are in apartments. Some are located in Miraflores and others are closer to USIL’s campus. For specific information on location, style of housing, and other details, you’ll receive a special email with that housing info. Below has some good general information though!
For the homestay, you’ll be living with a local family. The homestays range a little in terms of who is living in the apartment or house, but all come with your own bedroom, a private or shared bathroom, 2 meals a day and wifi.
Helpful tips for living with other people:
- Respect your hosts and the other people that live in the building.
- Remember that you are not on a college campus and not in your own home. Respect the property and get out of the “college campus” mentality.
- Talk to your roommates if they do something that bothers you. Talking it through is the easiest way to solve a small problem before it gets bigger.
- Talk to the staff if a problem arises and you cannot work it out with your roommates.
Warning process:
- If any of the above rules are broken, you will receive a first verbal warning. This warning will also be written and sent to your sending study abroad program and your home school.
- The second infraction of any of the above rules will result in you being evicted from your apartment. You will need to find a new place to live at your own expense.
- Please read through all of our behavior policies noted in the CISabroad Policy Handbook, linked inside of the attachment to your acceptance email