Summer in Greece Excursions
Depending on the classes you are taking in Greece, your excursions will vary, as some courses incorporate on-site learning experiences. All students, however, will also have the opportunity to participate on an awesome learning excursion through CISabroad’s La Vida Local series!
Past excursions have included:
*Wine tasting day trip
*Cooking class
*Aegina day trip
*Theater performance
*Dance class
A Walk Across Greece
If you are participating in the A Walk Across Greece course, your program will include a week-long series of interactive excursions! This experiential learning course, offered intensively over the span of one week, takes students on a journey across the country! Students will explore the history of Greece through day hikes, walking tours and guided visits to regional museums, historical sites and famous monuments. Traveling from the Homeric epics of the Bronze Age to the 19th century War of Independence, students follow the vicissitudes of 5,000 years of history, covering over 1,000 kilometers of geography with peripatetic lectures and group discussions.
If you are not currently signed up for Walk Across Greece but are interested in adding it to your program, please let your Program Coordinator know as soon as possible!