Summer and Semester in Ecuador Excursions

CISabroad offers the Summer and Semester in Ecuador programs with an option to do excursions with the group, or to not participate in these. If you choose to do the program with excursions, then the big trip is a four-day stay at the Tiputini Biological Research Station DEEP in the Amazon jungle. This excursion is run through USFQ and the bio research station is where their students do research. If you are studying with UIDE, you can also sign up for a rainforest excursion – talk to your Site Director for more information!

Other excursions are done through CISabroad and they are tailored to each group of students. Possible excursion destinations include:

Quilotoa, a beautiful lake inside a volcano

Ecuador Quilotoa Excursion

Mitad del Mundo, “the middle of the world,” where the equator passes through Ecuador!
Ecuador Mitad del Mundo Excursion

Cotopaxi, one of Ecuador’s highest peaks and an active volcano!

Vn. Cotopaxi

Otavalo, a huge market located outside of Quito, famous for local goods, souvenirs, and food.

Ecuador Otavalo Excursion